Apparently I'm not the first person to think that this is a logical combination

Friday 17 June 2011

First post from Sweden

Well, I am dead tired and my feet are so sore they are throbbing, but it's been an amazing few days in Stockolm!  Thought it might be a good idea to post some pictures now.  One thing I've really begun to realize though, is that pictures rarely do justice to what I see.  And I think that's definitely the case for Stockholm.  It's so hard to capture all the colour and grandness of it.
Gamlastan (taken from Södermalm, another district in Stockholm)
Some kind of gull with black wings.  The Stadhuset tower (along with a church steeple) can be seen in the background.

Odd fountain across the street from the hostel.  I took this picture sometime between 10:30 and 11pm.  Notice how it isn't dark out.
Stockholm wildlife beside what I think is a children's playground.
I couldn't heard the sound on the computer at the hostel.  Hopefully it's ok.  This is the procession of soldiers on their way to the Royal Palace for the changing of the guard (I think - I was just walking down the street on my way to something else when they passed by).

My lunch - Swedish meatballs and lingonberry sauce.  The meatballs were also covered in another delicious sauce, although I'm not quite sure what it was.
Finally managed to capture a picture of the elusive penguin bird (aka magpie, aka skata)
Ping pong tables outside a school.  Why don't we have those in Canada?
Colourful buildings in Gamlastan

The Royal Palace - a rare shot with a blue sky!
Drottingholm Palace - it's similar to Versailles, but with fewer tourists and more interesting tour guides.  Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures inside.  This is actually the private residence of Sweden's king and queen.        


  1. Brings back lots of memories. Soak your feet and rent a bike!

  2. wow - so much to see. It's a good thing that you are there for the summer!! You can take your time and immerse yourself in the Swedish culture. What an experience. Love reading your posts. Enjoy your weekend,
    love mom

  3. hey jeni .... if you want to go sailing call My friend Mattias Nordin. He said it was just fine and would be happy to take you out on lake malaren
    He lives in Vasteras,
    email ....

  4. wow, that would be amazing to go sailing on malaren with mattias! thanks for asking him. i will have to go to västerås for sure now!

  5. Looks amazing Jeni :) Have fun and be safe :)
