Apparently I'm not the first person to think that this is a logical combination

Sunday 12 June 2011

Day 8 - Brussels

It's hard to believe, but my time in Brussels is coming to an end.  I've had an amazing time and I'll be sad to leave, but I'm looking forward to Sweden!

Drinking a Rochefort 8 (trappist beer) at Delirium.  This bar has over 2000 beers to choose from.  With it we had cheese and celery salt, a very Belgian thing to eat when drinking beer.

Part of Delirium's menu.  That's right, a Molson Lager costs 10 euros.

Outside the Toone puppet theater/bar.  It dates back to the 1830s.

The Toone theater.

A clip from the puppet theater.  Hopefully it works.  If anyone speaks French, I would love to know why they all start dancing at the end.

At Cinematek - this is where the pianist played when we watched the silent film "The Wind."  It was pretty amazing.  The guy played for almost 80 minutes non-stop.

Making friends with the cat (every bar has one apparently) at l'Image Nostre-Dame, possibly the oldest bar in Brussels.

The dog version of Manneken Pis.  Yes, this is actually a statue in Brussels (it's called Zinneke Pis).

Sampling Westvleteren's beers at the bar across the street from the monastery.  It's one of the few places where you can buy it for a reasonable price apart from ordering a case directly from the monastery (which you can only do by phone and you need a car and I think you can only buy one case per month).

The after shot.


  1. Hej Jeni...we loved having you here!Looking forward to the return visit in August.

  2. hej! it was great visiting with you guys! thanks again for everything.

  3. I think the After-shot ...says it all. We are now the beer experts.

  4. The video of the puppet show is amazing! The voice is great and then the puppets are kinda, roughly doing what I think they are meant to. Made me laugh...

    Have fun in Sweden!

  5. We are most definitely beer experts now!

    The puppet show was pretty cool. I would definitely recommend checking it out when you come to Brussels. One of the most unique things I've done so far.

  6. Watching puppets and drinking beer with cats seems a lot more fun than sitting in a cubicle typing stuff! Hope Sweden is just as much fun. Can you pick me up a viking helmet?


  7. How about one of those helmets with long yellow braids?

  8. Mmm..those beers look pretty tasty!

