Apparently I'm not the first person to think that this is a logical combination

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Day 4 - Brussels

First post overseas.  I arrived in Brussels safe and sound on Sunday, June 5.  It was a pretty good flight (with free alcohol! - my first on a plane), and the Brussels airport was ridiculously easy to get through.  There was hardly anyone around, and I felt like a minor celebrity as I walked through the exit doors alone and was greeted by a crowd of people waiting for the arrivals.  It was very odd.  My aunt and uncle were also there, waiting for me.  Traveling doesn't get much easier than that!  It's nice to know the locals.

Brussels is amazing!  And in only 4 days, we've managed to pack in a lot: the Grand Place, Manneken Pis, Royal Palace, Palais de Justice, Military museum, EU parliament, local flea market, the Cinematek, parks, churches, frites, waffles, and, of course, many different kinds of beer (my favourite so far is probably the trappist beer Westmalle Dubbel, although it's so hard to choose).  One thing I'm realizing though, is that I'm not much of a picture taker.  My aunt had to keep reminding me to take them!  I will get better, I promise.

Palais Royal de Bruxelles

Guided Tour of Cantillon Brewery, the last lambic brewery in Brussels (the beer is produced by spontaneous fermentation from air-born yeast - the gueze version of it tastes kind of like beer-flavoured sparking wine)

Grand Place - it's hard to capture in a picture how magnificent the square really is

More Grand Place, this time with menacing storm clouds above

Where the EU Parliament sits

Arc at Parc du Cinquantenaire.  On the right at the top there is a free view of the city.  On the left at the top you can eat at "The Cube", a tacky restaurant that will be moving around to various landmarks in Europe, first stop Brussels.

Military museum - a free museum with an overwhelmingly large collection, including a warehouse full of planes
Also at the Military museum  - I thought this was a rather disturbing/confusing display.

Obligatory shot of Manneken Pis, who's looking quite dapper in his flower-print vest.


  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Alan was telling me about that military museum with all the planes. Was the Westmalle Dubbel a dark beer, I don't think I've seen that one over here?


  2. You are such a lucky puck! BUT do you know what is happening in the Stanley cup??

  3. Jeff are gonna be soooo jealous of the BEER touring! There is trappist beer all over the place here...and the girls are lovin'it!!

  4. Looks great, Jeni :) Make use of the tent!

  5. yummmmm waffles - especially with Belgium chocolate!! have one for me.
    love mom

  6. I am definitely enjoying the beer tour! I think we've tried beer from all the Belgian trappist monasteries other than Westvleteren (we'll do that either Sunday or Monday). The Westmalle Dubbel is a darker beer. Jeff, you might like their tripel more. It's lighter and also really good. I just searched LCBO and Westmalle didn't come up. Maybe you can get it in Quebec?

    I don't have any good pictures of food and beer yet. Hopefully for the next post!
