Apparently I'm not the first person to think that this is a logical combination

Thursday 7 July 2011


 Ok, I've finally managed to upload some pictures!  The library computer in Kristianstad (where I currently am) is much better than the one in Oskarshamn.

Grey Wolf at Skansen open air musem in Stockholm.  You can't really see the others, but there were 3 wolves and they were all watching me closely.  It was raining heavily that morning and I was the only person around.

The main gate to Filmstaden ("Film Town"), where lots of Swedish movies were filmed beginning in 1919 up into the 80s.

Wall painting of a knight playing chess with death in Täby church (just north of Stockholm).  Unfortunately there was a spotlight shining directly on it, making it hard to take a good picture. 

That was the view from the front door of my cabin on Fjärdlång island in the Stockholm archipelago.

Another picture from Fjärdlång.

Sunset from the deck of the ferry to Gotland.

My rented bike in front of a typical stone wall on Fåro.

Sunset at Langhammer on Fårö.  The big rocks are called "raukar" and are formed by erosion over many years.  There are a lot of them on the island.

Another rauk.

Example of a barn with a thatched roof.  They are all over the island.  Apparently thatched roofs are good because moisture can't really penetrate them, so condensation doesn't build up.  Up in the top left corner it looks like it's been newly-patched.

Some fishing huts on Fårö.  Unfortunately there really isn't a fishing industry there anymore.  I was told that the Baltic Sea is very messed up.

Typical rocky beach on Fårö.

A house close to the shores of Fårö.  A good place to live if you're a reclusive film director.

The city walls of Visby.
Kristianstad - it was founded in 1614 by the Danish King Christian IV and is known as Sweden's most Danish City.
This is from the Vasa Museum.  It's an almost completely salvaged 17th century warship called 'Vasa' that sank in Stockholm's harbour in 1628 about 20 minutes into her maiden voyage.  I believe the main reasons were too many guns and not enough balast.


  1. awesome pictures. looks like a great place to spend a summer. beautiful view from your cabin (especially with you in it-you look like you are having lots of fun). did you get a picture of the cabin? the trees, lakes and scenery make me miss camping. HAVE FUN!! love mom

  2. Wow, that's some spectacular scenery! Also that is a pretty awesome city wall. It would be cool to live in a city with a wall like that.

  3. I don't miss camping but the scenery is beautiful! I agree with Anonymous - love the pictures with you in them. Have you been sailing on Lake Malaren yet?

  4. yes, the scenery really has been amazing! but it's been so hard to capture it on film. i did get a picture of my cottage. i will have to upload it at some point. just keep running out of time on the internet (in the libraries it just cuts out when your alloted hour is u). and i agree with you Al, it would be very cool to live in a city with a wall like that. the only problem with visby is that it's insanely busy. probably the busiest place i've been so far. unfortunately i have not been sailing on lake malaren yet. i decided to head to the south first. but i'm hoping to make it up there soon!

  5. It looks absolutely gorgeous, although somewhat more rugged than I could manage. There must be a lot of ancient villages and ruins considering how old the country is. Have you had any traveling companions?
    Take care.
    Aunt Gloria

  6. Wow, those are some great pictures. That cabin's location is sweet - jealous! :)

  7. Thanks! I've seen lots of ancient artifacts in museums and I've been in places that have been inhabited for centuries, but I haven't actually seen too many ruins or ancient villages so far. There were some church ruins in Visby though. But I'm heading to Lund tomorrow, which was founded around 990 AD, and I know there are some ruins there. I've met lots of people in the hostels and places I've visited, but so far I've just been traveling around alone. Most travelers only seem to visit a city or two in Sweden, and then leave again. Haven't met anyone else just traveling around Sweden yet!

  8. Jeni these pictures are great, good job on the blogging! I find it funny that Alf made his way into your pictures and you had Alf on your facebook profile picture too haha. You'll need to change it to the clown who sells the ice cream! I bet the football game was a lot of fun! Did you get a scarf? Glad the trip has been going well and I can wait to see more pictures when you get back!

